Once you make a last, find expert instruction on shoe making. This site has a very informative book and website that shows you though a free video and examples of how to make footwear.
Learning to make shoes by best guess or trying to figure out what an old book from 100 years ago is telling you can be diff
icult. However, Wilson Gracey takes the guesswork out of boot and shoe making. All of his videos are reasonably priced and you will get expert instruction on each step of footwear construction.
For those who love shoes and want to make them, keeping hand shoe making alive is where it is at these days. To find a serious individual that puts effort into this craft is wonderful to see. He has resources and links for your shoe making efforts. He has even made lasts before : the hand carved log method. Try his link. you can ask him questions and he is very friendly to answer
of Prey offers a fun design your own shoes and they will make them for
you! This is a ladies shoe manufacturer that has a free shoe design
program you can play with to design any kind of ladies shoes you desire. to check out this 3 D shoe design software click here. You
get to pick the color, size, shape and feel of your shoes. You can then
order them or leave them in a library of "dream shoes" to get
later. The company offers a customer satisfaction guarantee to insure
that the shoes you order are the ones that fit and feel good.